Background & Information
The Sustainable Development Goals recognize the importance of both gender equality and energy access, and while the two are often discussed separately, they are inextricably linked. Women are almost always the primary managers of household energy in developing countries and spend a significant portion of their time ensuring that their families have the energy needed to cook, light, and heat their homes. Women are also key players in the dissemination and adoption of household energy technologies and fuels, and adoption of clean and efficient household energy solutions are a critical driver for gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Women can be economically empowered through their engagement in the household energy sector – as designers, producers, distributors, and after-sales service providers. They can catalyze the market as clean energy entrepreneurs by leading efforts that seek to develop effective, culturally-appropriate, and sustainable solutions. Additionally, women’s networks can provide access to consumers in hard-to-reach markets and women distributors can better understand the needs of women and more easily approach their clients.
This event will bring together key stakeholders to discuss women’s energy entrepreneurship and explore the role of gender-informed approaches that scale access to household energy, as well as increase gender equality and women’s empowerment.
The event will convene practitioners, researchers, policy makers, donors, and entrepreneurs to share challenges, lessons learned, and best practices to support women energy entrepreneurs and scale household energy access approaches that leverage women’s entrepreneurship. It will highlight the latest research, innovative approaches, and technological solutions, as well as provide an opportunity for strategic discussion and planning to fill critical gaps and to advance the energy entrepreneurship and empowerment nexus.
The event will be held at the Safari Park Hotel from February 14th - 16th.
To reserve a room in the room block and special rate at the hotel, please click on this link. Then:
1. In the upper right hand corner press "login".
2. Use this information for logging in - username: "unfc", password: "admin".
3. Scroll to the dates in February around and during the workshop that you would like to book.
Women's Energy Entrepreneurship: Empowering Women Energy Entrepreneurs & Scaling Access to Energy
| February 14th - 16th, 2017 | Nairobi, Kenya |
9 AM - 9:15 AM: Welcoming Remarks - Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves & Clean Cooking Association of Kenya
9:15 AM – 9:25 AM: Key note - Faith Wandera-Odongo, Deputy Director of Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum Kenya
9:25 AM – 9:40 AM: First plenary - Wanjira Mathai, Director, wPOWER Hub
9:40 AM – 10:30 AM: Open Plenary Discussion: Being a women CEO in the energy sector & working with women micro-entrepreneurs
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM: Break
10:45 AM – 11:45 PM: Panel – Innovations in engaging and supporting women micro-entrepreneurs
11:45 PM – 1 PM: Panel – The latest research on women micro-entrepreneurs in the energy sector
1 PM – 2 PM: Lunch
2 PM – 2:45 PM Panel - Experience of being a woman energy micro-entrepreneur in distribution
2:45 PM – 5 PM: Thematic Session* – Part 1 (Topic: Women as distributors and in after-sales service
Day 1 - February 14th
Day 2 - February 15th
7:30 AM - 9 AM: Criticality of evidence in the domain of energy access interventions through grassroots women entrepreneurs
(Expert-group round-table hosted by Sambodhi &
Tata Trusts, by invitation only)
9:15 AM – 9:30 AM: Day 2 Welcoming and Day 1 Recap
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM: Panel – What are investors and donors looking for in regards to engaging women in the clean energy supply chain?
10:30 AM – 11 AM: Break
11 AM – 1 PM: Thematic Sessions* – Part 2 (Topic A: Women as producers / designers; Topic B: Consumer finance / Supplier finance for women micro-entrepreneurs)
1 PM – 2 PM: Lunch
2 PM– 3 PM: Presentation and Panel – The Empowered Entrepreneur Training Handbook rollout findings and discussion
3 PM – 4:30 PM: Where should future funding go?
4:30 PM – 4:45 PM: Summary of findings from thematic sessions and workshop conclusion
5 PM: Reception highlighting Woman Entrepreneur of the Year
Day 3 - February 16th (Optional)
10 AM
Session 1 (~2 hours): Social Impact M&E How-To Guide
Session 2 (~2-3 hours): Empowered Entrepreneur Training Handbook Workshop